Thursday, February 11

Sharing a Keyboard & Mouse

 You've most likely heard of KVM (Keyboard/Video/Mouse) devices that let you share a single keyboard, monitor, and mouse between multiple machines, Synergy is a software KM solution.   It allows you to share a keyboard and mouse between multiple computers, but still take advantage of having the display real-estate that multiple monitors offer. 

Since it runs on Windows, Linux and various Unixes it opens up many possibilities for reducing desktop clutter and increasing productivity. I find that it is a must have  for my Sun/PC setup.  I can switch between them without switching keyboard and mouse and I can even 'cut and paste' between them. 

The software is a bit old, but is still quite useful.  It can be found at  I haven't tried it out on Windows 7 yet, so if anyone has I'd like to hear how it went.

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